Though it’s not the most well-known sport in the world, volleyball betting is more common than you might think.
A volleyball spike or attack is the strategy used to send the ball over the net to the opponent in such a manner that the ball is not returnable.
The spike is executed by angling the ball to land on the court’s other side while moving the arm.
We believe that this article will give you a ton of knowledge that clearly and in-depth explains how to spike a volleyball, regardless of whether you’re a seasoned veteran, a total newb, or a coach looking for key areas to concentrate on.
Table of Contents
How To Spike A Volleyball?
The steps in learning spike volleyball are listed below.
Prepare Well
Make sure to maintain a steady posture while standing during this phase. You’ll receive a notification as soon as your teammate passes the ball. You must also pay attention to the ball and the distance to the net. You must also ascertain where each player on the other team is located. Before you even start spiking, you must take all of these things into account. People frequently miss this stage, causing their ascent to be more rapid.
You won’t be able to spot a hole in the defense of your adversary if you don’t know where they stand. If you don’t stop moving, you’re more likely to slip than jump. All of these elements are essential. Acting hastily can be more harmful than waiting patiently and knowing what is going on. Staring and waiting might seem odd, but it can significantly affect your spike. Pushing the ball across the goal line as quickly as you can is necessary if you want to score.
Your first two steps are typically very slow. You will ascend into the air in the ensuing two steps.
At this step, you’ll see that the ball is relatively close to you. It should start to fall when you strike it. At this point, you should exert the most pressure. By bending your knees, you can lift off the ground. Players frequently keep their legs in the back of their bodies to maintain balance. You need to practice and put on the right shoes in order to jump correctly. As you ascend higher, it’s important to maintain eye contact with the ball. Always keep an eye on the ball and the location of your opponents.
Avoid touching the net because doing so will give the other team a point. When they get tired, the players may send the ball too far out of the court or too low (into the net). For doing this, you will receive a penalty. It takes concentration to win an attacking game because it’s such a high-intensity sport.
It’s important to jump when it’s appropriate and to avoid jumping too early or too late. To ensure that the ball lands in the proper spot, be sure to keep an eye on it and communicate with your teammates. A few extra or fewer inches can have a significant impact on your reach because you might have to lean forward or backward to reach the ball.

Touching The Ball
Currently, the ball is traveling directly toward you while you are floating in the air. It’s important to time your arm motion. You run the risk of missing the ball and stopping the attack if you move your arm prematurely or late. In some cases, striking the ball incorrectly can cause you to strike the net. As a result, you must make sure to strike the ball as soon as you can touch it.
You can wait until later to begin swinging your arm if you want to exert a lot of force, but doing so increases the likelihood that you will miss the ball. It is frequently preferable to use less force and instead make sure that new players can make contact with the ball. As the ball approaches you, move your arm closer to the ball to accomplish this. As a result, you won’t need to move your arm nearly as much after your leap. When lightning strikes you, you don’t have much time to think about what is about to happen. Be prepared at all times and keep your eye on the ball.
Landing On Your Feet
The final phase must be accomplished. Ensure a secure landing. If you lose, you won’t be able to defend yourself against any further attacks from the opposing team. You might need to immediately block a spike. As a result, following a surge, you cannot simply unwind. If your attack was successful, you must be prepared to retaliate right away.
In order to play volleyball, you cannot take many breaks. When you make a point, you might want to celebrate with your team by giving each other high fives or cheering. Because every member of the squad must contribute for the team to win, everyone is made to feel valued. Since volleyball is a team sport, without their help, your spikes would have been weaker. You must therefore unite in order to recognize your success.
How To Spike Volleyball From The Right Side?
Being a right-handed attacker, one of the biggest mistakes we see is when right-handed attackers attack from the right side and shuffle to the sideline after passing, which puts a lot of space between their attacking arm and the setter. You are depending on your setter’s accuracy when you increase this distance rather than decrease it. We want to make the job of our setters easier as attackers.
Get the ball on your hitting shoulder as soon as you can; that is the most crucial thing. As a right-handed attacker, you should pass on the right side and then make your corridor so that the court is in front of you. This will assist your setter. Nearly being directly in front of you should be how the setter should feel. The setter will be able to make a simpler set as a result, and I will be able to use my approach to easily get the ball on my hitting shoulder, enabling you to execute all of the attacks you need, including hard crosses, high lines, and cut shots.
The key is to consider which shoulder you need that set to land on whenever we’re thinking about attacking and locating our attack corridor. Shuffle in so that your attack corridor is in front of you if you are a right-handed player and you are on the right side. And if you were on the left side, you should move to the sideline after passing the ball so the setter can keep it on his or her right shoulder as well.
How To Spike Volleyball Hard Cross?
Spiking a hard cross is the most popular and entertaining swing in beach volleyball. You can learn how to master this crucial attack move on the beach volleyball court by watching this free training video. You will learn every jump, step, and swing from AVP pros Brandon Joyner and Mark Burik so you can spike the volleyball high and hard.
The video that you’re about to watch is an example of one of our online beach volleyball lessons from our attacking course. In this course, you will learn a variety of attacking techniques that we believe you need to master in order to be the best attacker possible.
Our hard cross hit is the most frequent and enjoyable attack in beach volleyball. When we consider hitting a cross hard, we are not attempting to deceive a defender into thinking we are doing something else. However, your body position should allow you to hit every shot so that you don’t get blocked. You ought to be able to easily adjust your wrist angle if the opposing team decides to run a bait and switch in which the blocker dives angle. You should always be able to spike hard anywhere on the court thanks to your body position and approach.
Continuing to try to hit deep is one of the most crucial aspects of hitting a hard cross. You are probably trying to swing too hard at that ball if you notice that you are taping balls or hitting balls into the net, as we also discussed in the arm swing video. Make sure your left shoulder is pointing toward the far left corner of the court as you stand up to swing so you can throw your arm as if you were throwing a baseball to the opposing corner. You’ll position yourself for the best attack if you concentrate on hitting this ball hard, quickly, and far.
The procedures for learning spike volleyball have been covered. The information in this article should help you learn how to spike a volleyball: a step-by-step guide.